venerdì 26 dicembre 2008

Guanti senza dita - Fingerless Gloves Pattern

Ciao a tutti,
avete passato bene il Natale?
Io ho approfittato di un po' del mio tempo libero per inserire questo nuovo Free Pattern, per eseguire dei caldi e comodissimi guanti senza dita.
Sono molto pratici e permettono di fare un mucchio di cose con le dita mantenendo al caldo il palmo della mano!
Come al solito, trovate la spiegazione in inglese, ma se desiderate averla in italiano, scrivetemi e ve la invierò al più presto!


Hi everyone!
Have you had a great Christmas? I have a lot of free time (finally!) and I add this new Free Pattern in my blog, to knit these warm and comfortable fingerless gloves.
They are very practicals and let you do a lot of things with your fingers while your palm is kept warm.
If you have any question or correction on my "bad english" let me know!!!




Size: For men, big hands. If you want to do them for women, just use more little needle and yarn.


  • I used for each pair 50 grams of Lana d'Irlanda in blue.

  • A little bit of a contrast color wool,if you want to do initials.

  • Needles: US 7 (4,5 mm)



Cast on 40 stitches and knit 2, purl 2 for 14 rows. Then go on, working stockinette stitches for 4 rows.

Now, at the two sides of the central stitch, make 1 knit.You have to repeat it for 6 times, taking care to add stitches over the previous one.

At the end of these 6, separate 15 stitches (for the thumb) and work stockinette stitches for 2 rows, then knit 2, purl 2, for 4 rows. Bind off with a needle: in that way these last stitches are more elastics.

Then work the remaining stitches left: 4 rows in stockinette stitches and 4 rows knit 2, purl 2. Bind off in the same previous way.

Do the same work for the right hand, pay attention to separate the 15 stitches for thumb in the end of the row this time.

Now you have your gloves opened. To close them, you have to sew the different parts ( thumb, palm, wrist ) with hidden stitches.

Your gloves are ready to wear.

If you want to personalize them, you can emboider on the initials of your name. Here is some ways to do it:


  1. To do Swiss Darning put your needle under the yarn of a knit stitch, then from right to left behind the knit stitch over it.

  2. Thread the needle from the lower part to the higher one, under the same horizontal yarn from which has came out the first half of this stitch. Keep the same tension of the plain stitch.


    1. Put the needle under a yarn which connect 2 stitches. Pass across on the right, bring the needle down, under the yarn which connect the next 2 stitches.

    2. Pass across on the left, thread the needle over the yarn between the 2 stitches, from which come out the yarn, then put it on bias under the next plain stitch and take it on again under the horizontal yarn.

Hoping to help you, I remain at your disposal for every further information.

I know that my english is not perfect.

Any correction is welcome!

lunedì 22 dicembre 2008

Desideri per il 2009... Whishes for the 2009

Nel blog di Toni ho trovato questa "Wishing list" di cose che già si sono fatte o che si vorrebbero fare... Così ho pensato che potrebbe diventare una lista di desideri per il 2009 e oggi che ho un pochino di tempo libero voglio divertirmi a farla!!
Non ho molte cose che "non vorrei fare", lo vedrete che quasi tutto sarà evidenziato in corsivo o grassetto!! Sono di natura curiosa, vogliosa di fare e di imparare... Per questo se qualcuno mi propone nuove iniziative è molto difficile che mi tiri indietro!!
Buone vacanze a tutti e UN GRANDIOSO 2009!!


In Toni's blog I found this funny "Wishing List" about things that should be done or have just be done...
Today I have a little free time and so I decide to try to do it!!
I would try to do everything! There's nothing that I leave in plain text, because I am very curious, I always desire to learn new things and if someone propose me something new I surely accept to try it!!!

Happy Holidays to you all and A GREAT AND HAPPY 2009!!!


Things you've already done: bold
Things you want to do: italicize
Things you haven't done and don't want to - leave in plain font

1. started your own blog
2. slept under the stars 
3. played in a band
4. visited hawaii
5. watched a meteor shower
6. given more than you can afford to charity
7. been to disneyland/world
8. climbed a mountain 
9. held a praying mantis 
10. sang a solo
11. bungee jumped
12. visited paris
13. watched a lightning storm at sea (not at sea but at's the same??)
14. taught yourself an art from scratch
15. adopted a child 
16. had food poisoning 
17. walked to the top of the statue of liberty
18. grown your own vegetables
19. seen the mona lisa in france
20. slept on an overnight train 
21. had a pillow fight
22. hitch hiked ( i really dont' understand very well the meaning of it!!) :-)
23. taken a sick day when you’re not ill
24. built a snow fort (even if I prefer the beach!!!)
25. held a lamb
26. gone skinny dipping (yeah, there was a time when I don't feel well and I was very skinny)
27. run a marathon (every day! When I bring my dog out for a walk!!)
28. ridden a gondola in venice 
29. seen a total eclipse
30. watched a sunrise or sunset
31. hit a home run 
32. been on a cruise 
33. seen niagara falls in person
34. visited the birthplace of your ancestors 
35. seen an amish community 
36. taught yourself a new language
37. had enough money to be truly satisfied 
38. seen the leaning tower of pisa in person
39. gone rock climbing 
40. seen michelangelo's david in person
41. sung karaoke
42. seen old faithful geyser erupt
43. bought a stranger a meal in a restaurant 
44. visited africa 
45. walked on a beach by moonlight
46. been transported in an ambulance
47. had your portrait painted
48. gone deep sea fishing
49. seen the sistene chapel in person
50. been to the top of the eiffel tower in paris 
51. gone scuba diving or snorkelling
52. kissed in the rain
53. played in the mud
54. gone to a drive-in theatre 
55. been in a movie
56. visited the great wall of china
57. started a business (more than one!)
58. taken a martial arts class 
59. visited russia
60. served at a soup kitchen
61. sold girl scout cookies.
62. gone whale watching
63. gotten flowers for no reason (always from march to october!!and the flowers are taken in my garden)

64. donated blood

65. gone sky diving 
66. visited a nazi concentration camp
67. bounced a cheque 
68. flown in a helicopter
69. saved a favorite childhood toy
70. visited the lincoln memorial
71. eaten caviar 
72. pieced a quilt
73. stood in times square
74. toured the everglades
75. been fired from a job
76. seen the changing of the guard in london
77. broken a bone
78. been on a speeding motorcycle (I go often with my boyfriend on his Harley Davidson, but never try Speeding motorcycles)
79. seen the grand canyon in person 
80. published a book ( on the site
81. visited the vatican 
82. bought a brand new car
83. walked in jerusalem
84. had your picture in the newspaper 
85. read the entire bible 
86. visited the white house
87. killed and prepared an animal for eating 
88. had chickenpox
89. saved someone’s life ( the one of my little cat Pataina, who went under a car)
90. sat on a jury 
91. met someone famous
92. joined a book club

93. lost a loved one
94. had a baby 
95. seen the alamo in person. 
96. swum in the great salt lake. 
97. been involved in a law suit
98. owned a cell phone
99. been stung by a bee

And I would like to add:
100. Be happy of what I am

domenica 21 dicembre 2008

Porta macchina fotografica - Camera Holder

21 DICEMBRE: Natale è vicinissimo e sto ancora finendo gli ultimi regalini per alcuni amici.

Tra questi, ho appena finito dei porta macchina-fotografica: lavorati a maglia rasata ai ferri, con laccetti all'uncinetto e interni cuciti con tessuti di lana.
Ho fatto un lungo cordoncino laterale per poter portare attaccata al polso la macchina fotografica.
Se l'idea vi piace, trovate la spiegazione per realizzarli nella sezione "categorie" alla voce FREE PATTERN. Per comodità l'ho scritto una sola volta in inglese, ma se preferite avere il tutto in italiano basta che mi scrivete un'e-mail e vi manderò la versione italiana.


21st DECEMBER: Christmas is very near and I am finishing some friends' gifts. Today I have finished these camera holders: knitted in plain with needles, crocheted drawstrings and tha inside sewed with some flannel fabrics. The long drawstring is thinked to easy handle the camera, hanging it at the wrist.
If you like it, you can find the pattern here beside in "Categories" and "FREE PATTERN".




Finished Size: Long Side is about 8 inches, Short Side is about 5 inches.

8 inches=long side

5 inches=short side

This rectangle is the mesure of the knitted part. It has to be fold in half.


  • I think you can use every kind of yarn workable with US 7 (4,5 mm) needles. 30 Grams can be enough.

  • A piece (about 10 inches per 8 inches) of flannel fabric.

  • A button.

  • A piece of felt (if you want to put a letter outside)

  • Needles: US 7 (4,5 mm)

  • Crochet Hook: US G (4 mm)


Cast on 40 stitches and work stocking stitches for 3 rows. Then go on working stockinette stitches for 28 rows. Bind off.

Iron the rectangle and the fold it in a half. Sew the lower side.

Once you have done the knitting work, you can make the lining inside.

Cut a 9x6 inches rectangle and hem one of the two long sides. Then sew togheter the two short sides and the inferior border.

Draw the letter of your name on the piece of felt and cut it. Sew it on the knitted camera holder with some stitches.

Then sew the remaining side of the knitted part.

After that, you can sew togheter the lining and the knitted part, by hidden stitches.

Then, take the hook and cast on 3 stitches on the central part of the opening. Work single crochet for 6 rows. At the end work 4 chaines and bind off. In the back side, sew a button. It is a little strap to prevent camera from sliding out of the holder.

To do the wrist strap, cast on 4 stitches with the hook on a side of your camera holder, and work single crochet for about 40 rows. You can mesure it with your wrist in the same time you are doing it. At the end, bind off and sew at the beginning of the strap.

P.S.: Sorry if my english is not perfect, but I am from Italy! :-) Any correction is welcome!

giovedì 18 dicembre 2008


Tutto intorno c'è aria di Natale! Per le strade, nei negozi e anche nelle case!
Nella mia, come da tradizione, ogni anno si fa un bell'albero di Natale colmo di addobbi. Essi rievocano anni della vita della nostra famiglia: mia mamma ha tenuto pendenti e palline degli anni '70 che ancora oggi ciondolano dai rami.

Pupazzetti, stelle, campane, palle e palline. Di ogni colore. Da quest'anno c'è anche un vasettino di Nutella trovato al supermercato: carino, vero?
Mettono una grande allegria a guardarli, ma i più belli sono senz'altro quelli che la mia mamma ha realizzato all'uncinetto qualche anno fa: un cappellino, una candela e un cesto di regali. Sempre attuali, sempre belli e sempre cari.

Buon Natale a tutti!!


It's Christmas time all around! In the streets, in the shops, in the houses!
As usually every year, in our home we have made a big Christmas tree full of decorations. They remember to us different times of our family life: my mother has jealously kept some Christmas balls from seventies which every year hangin on our tree.
Puppets, stars, bells, balls. Of every color. This year there's also a little Nutella jar, found at the supermarket! Dont you think that it is nice?
I become happy to see our Christamas tree, and my favourite ones are the pendants my mother has crocheted. There's is an hat, a candle and a basket full of gifts.
Always beatiful and always dears to me.

Merry Christmas to everyone!

domenica 14 dicembre 2008


Finalmente anche io faccio parte della favolosa comunità di Ravelry!!!
Mi trovate al nickname di daknit: venite a trovarmi e a vedere i miei progetti!
Ho ancora molto da postare ma nelle prossime vacanze di Natale troverò sicuramente il tempo!


Yeaahhh!! Finally I am on
Ravelry too!!! Come find me at my nickname daknit ! I am adding my projects... I will try to find more time to do it on my next Christmas holidays!!

lunedì 8 dicembre 2008

Portachiavi - Key Case

Su un blog francese, KEROUZEE, ho trovato la spiegazione per realizzare questo originale portchiavi.
Quando il tulipano resta fuori, le chiavi si nascondono nel vaso, quando tirate fuori le chiavi, il tulipano si abbassa.

Ho usato avanzi di stoffa e poi, tramite un altro sito dove sono presenti numerose spiegazioni per realizzare gli "scoubidou" ho fatto il cordoncino rosa.

Sto già pensando di realizzarne qualcuno per Natale: può essere un pensiero carino da regalare a qualche amica!


In a Franch blog, KEROUZEE, I have found this Key Case's pattern.
It is very funny: when the keys aren't in use, the tulip is completely outside. When you are using the keys, the tulip slow down in his pot.

I have used some fabrics' remains and I've done the string following the instructions of this site:

I like it! I am thinking to do some of this and give them to my friends for Christmas!

domenica 7 dicembre 2008

Crostata al cioccolato - Chocolate Tart

Ieri era una giornata freddissima e c'era una nebbia umida e fitta. Quale miglior giorno per trovare l'ispirazione adatta a cucinare una bella (e anche buona!!) crostata da gustare poi la domenica mattina?

Ingredienti per la Pasta Frolla:
- 350 gr. di Farina
- 140 gr. di Burro
- 140 gr. di Zucchero
- 2 uova
- 1 bustina di lievito per dolci
- 1 pizzico di sale

Ingredienti per la crema di cioccolato:
- 250 gr. di Cioccolato Fondente
- 3 Dl di Panna fresca da montare
- 50 gr. di Zucchero

- Per l'esecuzione della Pasta Frolla, fate fondere il burro sul fuoco basso e fatelo raffreddare.
- In una terrina, mettete la farina col lievito setacciata, lo zucchero, le uova, un pizzico di sale e il burro. Iniziate a mescolare il tutto con un cucchiaio di legno e poi usate le mani. Quando gli ingredienti si sono uniti a sufficienza, trasferite l'impasto su un piano da lavoro e lavorate bene la pasta fino a che diventi bella omogenea.
- Imburrate e infarinate una tortiera e mettete parte del composto sulla base di essa. Il restante impasto, usatelo per formare dei bordi abbastanza alti tutto intorno.
- Coprite il tutto con della carta stagnola, sulla quale verserete dei fagioli secchi.
- Infornate, a forno già caldo, a 180° C per 30 minuti circa. Ogni tanto controllate la cottura. Io dopo 25 minuti, ho tolto la carta d'alluminio per far cuocere bene anche la base della crostata.

- Nel frattempo (ma potete anche prepararla il giorno prima) fate la crema per la farcitura: fate sciogliere a fuoco lento, in un pentolino, il cioccolato con un cucchiaio d'acqua. Poi aggiungetevi i 50 gr. di zucchero.
- In un'altra casseruola mettete la panna fresca e portatela quasi a bollitura. Poi aggiungetela al cioccolato. Mescolate bene e fatela raffreddare.

- Quando la base della crostata sarà pronta, toglietela dal forno. Montate con delle fruste il composto di cioccolato fino a quando diventerà spumoso. Riempite quindi la pasta frolla con la crema ottenuta, aiutandovi a spalmarla con l'aiuto di un cucchiaio.
- Mettete in frigo per qualche ora.

Questa crostata al cioccolato va bene anche come merenda per i bambini: potete guarnirla con dei confettini al cioccolato colorati o disegnarvi, tramite essi, una scritta o una forma.
Ma è ottima anche come dolce per un dopo cena, magari finita con dei ciuffetti di panna montata e dei lamponi.

Io l'ho gustata semplice, questa mattina a colazione: è buonissima e non c'è niente di meglio per iniziare bene la giornata!!


Yesterday was very cold here. There was a thick mist and it was the right day to do a cake!!

Shortcrust Pastry's Ingredients:
- 350 gr. Flour

- 140 gr. Butter

- 140 gr. Sugar
- 2 eggs

- Baking Powder
- Salt

Chocolate Cream's Ingredients:

- 250 gr. dark Chocolate
- 3 Dl of Whipped Cream
- 50 gr. Sugar

- To do Shortcrust Pastry, melt the butter on a low heat. Then make it cold.
- In a mixing bowl put the flour, the baking powder, sugar, eggs and a pinch of salt. Mix all the ingredients using a spoon, then use your hands and try to obtain an homogeneous dough.

- Take a cake tin and put in it a part of the pastry. Put the remaining part all around, making high borders.

- Cover the base with some silver paper and dry beans.
- Put on hot oven at 180°C for about 30 minutes. After 25 minutes, I took off the silver paper to cook in a better way the base of the cake.

- Meantime (but you can also do it the day before) make the chocolate cream: melt on a low heat all the chocolate with a spoon of water. Then add 50 grams of sugar.

- In another saucepan, put the fresh cream (the one which can be whipped) and take it to boiling. Then add it to the chocolate and mix them very well.

- When the pastry will be ready, take it off the oven. Whipped the chocolate cream obtaining a creamy mixture.

- Fill the pastry with that cream and put the cake in the refrigerator for a few hours.

This cake could be a nice idea for your children's afternoon snack: you can fill it with some colored chocolate candies, and drawing by them some words.
But it is SUPER also as an after dinner, filled with some whipped cream and raspberries.

I have eaten it this morning for my breakfast and there isn't nothnig better than that to begin in a right way the day!!
